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The "Vertex Analysis: requires you to prepare two files: the individual segmented structures combined into one file, and a design matrix to indicate which file belongs to which group. 


The design matrix is common to FSL statistical routines, and is the same as created in SPM. However, for FIRST there are some differences (see "Create a design matrix" in guide). Specifically, the group should be in one rather than two columns, and F tests should be used. Follow these steps:

1) Open Glm

Either start from the FSL GUI, or from a terminal "cd" to the directory, and type Glm (case sensitive).

2) Enter the total number of subjects, and the number in the first group (if using a two-group design)


3) Adjust the design to have one column for group

Go the to General Linear Model window, and set to 1 EV; the Group B column will disappear.

4) Change the second group EV value from 0 to "-1" 

Scroll down to the second group (where values change from 1 to 0 in EV1 column); change all the "0"'s to "-1" (tedious).

5) Set one T contrast and one F contrast

From the top of the General Linear Model window select the "Contrasts & F-tests" tab, and set to one Contrast, one F-test, and select the C1 contrast for the F1 (click on the small square).

6) Save the file

Under the GLM Setup window click Save, navigate to the directory with the files, and choose a descriptive name ("des_2sample" for example). You can ignore the warning.

This will save a number of files, as in the example below (where "des" was chosen as the name). These files are used as input to several of the following procedures.

Image Modified
Other designs (covariate, more groups)
Covariates are added as extra columns (add an "EV"), as explained in the Glm user guide.Note that these examples do not have the group variable set up as above, so you will need to change from a column per group to a single column with different values for each. (For example see the Two-Group Difference Adjusted for Covariate in the user guide.)

Moving the files to a separate folder


The design matrix is a text file with header information and numbers in columns. By tradition, the file is saved with a name like "design.mat". Each row represents a subject, in the order stored in the concatenated bvars file. The simplest design matrix (for a two group dataset) is a single column, with +1 for group 1 and -1 for group 2. A default matrix created by Glm for two groups includes two columns, but this is not what is needed for FIRST. There is also header information which includes the number of columns (I think), the number of subjects, and the maximum value of each column. For example, here is a two-group, 5 subjects/group design matrix:

Glm from FSL GUI

Type "fsl" to start the FSL GUI, click "Misc " then "GLM Setup".
