Versions Compared


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Many MRI steps only work if the scans are roughly aligned with the MNI template. Rotations (pitch) in particular is difficult to compensate for.


  • Starting point

    • Scans are manually converted to nifti in the raw data folder.

    • Each scan is linked to a “study”, and this study is added to one or more projects.

  • At the project level, you can choose to manually reorient the scan to align with the template. Specifically, you can determine the 6 rigid-body parameters for the coregistration (6 parameters = x/y/z shift, and rotations about each axis).

    • The scan only needs this doing once, even if it’s in multiple projects or multiple groups in a project.

  • Those parameters are saved in the database, and they are associated with the study.

    • Rationale: One scan = one alignment. If the study is used in multiple projects, the same parameters will be reused. Additionally, if a second preprocessing is done, that will also use the same parameters.

  • CSPM will apply the parameters when the Project “Copy and Coreg” is done (before preprocess).

    • Step 1: copy copies from raw nifti folder to “rawimeages” project folder

    • Step 2: if parameters are associated with this scan, apply applies them (i.e., coreg coregisters the scan)

      • A file “coregister2mni_completed.mat” will be saved (e.g., U:\OSA2019pre\rawimages\OSA\OSA5020\T1w_MPR)E50200220191204S12\Nifti\coregister2mni_completed.mat)

  • Each scan is aligned separately. However, it’s easy to copy the same parameters between scans (useful if one subject has 10 scans with the same rotation, for example).

    • Rationale: problems arise if we assume that one subject has the same rigid-body shifts for all scans. This approach is more time-consuming, but simple and reliable.
