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9.3. Export blocks to text file


Add new and name:

  1. Automation

  2. Preset

  3. Block

10. Dataspace

10.1. View variables:



You can show different signals (e.g. hbo and hbr) in the same graph. You can also use different conditions, e.g. all 3 trials of the valsalva as separate signal lines. Select variables of interest in the data space window. Use the “group” button and add a new group and then assign different groups to your variables.

12. Processing tool

Process tab in data space

This is to create and visualize your outcome signal, such as the average signal across 3 valsalva trials.

Click here and scroll to page 88

Ayaz thesis page 89:

Temporal processing operation is performed across rows. So, for Temporal Mean, the result variable has the same number of columns with the input and only one row that is the mean values.”

“Spatial processing is performed across columns, so for Spatial Mean, the resultant variable has same number of rows with input variable but one column that contains mean values.” 

Columns: Optodes

Rows: Signal per time interval

Cell-by-Cell: I guess this is retaining the time course for each optode

13. Statistical analysis

Compare tab in data space

Click here and scroll to page 91

Test statistics (e.g. F-value) and p-values will be created as separate variables and added to the data space. For example, each optode will get its own F and p-value.

14. Using MBLL to calculate oxygenation from variables 

MBLL tab: Creates oxy files (oxy, hbo, hbr, hbt) from light file.

“Programmatic oxygenation calculation from variables can be performed at the “MBLL” tab of “fnirSoft Processing Tool” window as shown below. This tool provides more flexibility and additional features for oxygenation calculation.”

“All input variables should be light intensity content type. Any number of input variables can be used. If no baseline variable is provided, first 20 rows of each input variable will be used for that variable as a baseline. Otherwise, same number of baseline variables needs to be selected so, through one to one matching, first baseline variable will be used for first input variable, etc. If only one baseline variable is selected or at the MBLL settings dialog, ‘use single baseline’ is enabled, all input baseline variables will be averaged and the same baseline will be used for each input variable.” 

See here page 94

15. Export data tool

Click here and scroll to page 96

Available formats are:

  1. Matlab (comma-separated)

  2. Excel

  3. Biopac Acqknowledge

  4. fNIRSoft

  5. Text file (tab-separated)

Can choose:

  1. All variables in one file

  2. Each variable in separate file

Summary file can be exported containing summary measures of all optodes and variables.

16. Organizer tool

I believe this is to select different subjects' light graphs to load at once.

17. Topograph tool

Left side of topographic image is participant’s left!


Save activations as image or video.