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Absence of SCRs


If we run the SCR analysis on this subject’s data, we get one big massive SCR and otherwise nothing (until after the task ends). Remember to always cross-check other channels if strange events occur. In this case, we are also looking at the EMG signal (channel 11; muscle activity from the right forearm). You can see that there was muscle activity at the onset of the big SCR. We don’t know whether that was a big body movement, a sneeze, a cough, or a yawn or if the person got startled (e.g. unexpected noise, someone knocked on the door or similar → can always check for notes for this subject’s session on confluence). In any case, we need to exclude this subject from the analysis.


Many SCRs, several unrelated to task events

In this example, the respiration signal is so poor, it can’t be used to determine when a deep breath was taken. The EDA channel shows SCRs each time the protocol channel shows a sigh, but also 2 SCRs before the first sigh signal and several SCRs between sighs 1 and 2, 2 and 3, and 3 and 4. SCRs can occur within a few seconds after an event, but not for too much longer after an event onset. Therefore, we have to assume that ,many of these SCRs are unrelated to the sighs. We here checked whether the EMG from the right forearm can help us understand whether the SCRs were evoked by movement. While we cannot exclude this possibility entirely (i.e. the EMG is recorded from the right forearm, but other parts of the body might be able to move without causing arm muscle contraction), we do not know where the SCRs come from. There are 2 options of things we can do:

  1. Exclude this subject from analysis

  2. Define a period of time during which we investigate the SCRs and ignore everything that’s outside that range.




How do I know the data have sufficient quality to analyze?
