Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Open two instances of MATLAB, and open SPM in both ("SPM 1", "SPM 2").
  2. Shift the graphics window so you can see both images at the same time
  3. SPM 1:Open a template; select  "Display" from the SPM menu, and select the single subject file in the .\canonical subfolder.
  4. SPM 1: Set Click "Origin" to set the location to 0 0 0. 
  5. SPM 2: Open the T1  you want to register
  6. SPM 2: Set Click "Origin" to set the location to 0 0 0
  7. SPM 2: Adjust the shifts (x/y/z mm) and rotations (pitch/roll/yaw); this will move the T1. Enter values until Your aim is to have the T1 is registered aligned with the MNI template-space scan. 
    • Start with


    • rotations
    • To set the x/y/z shifts, place the cross-hairs where you think the origin should be, and click "Set Origin"; this will automatically calculate the left/right, forward/back, and up/down shifts.
      • A shift down is performed with negative "up" numbers (ditto for shifting left, use negative right numbers, etc.).
    • Start with the most obvious changes: often "pitch" is the first to change, followed by resetting the origin.
    • Cycle through the pitch/roll/yaw rotations, rather than trying to get one perfect then move to the next.
    • Remember the rotations are in radians, so use small numbers; typically


    • the order of magnitude for pitch is 0.1-0.2


    • , and for roll/yaw 0.01-0.04.
    • Keep an eye on the big picture; don't try to only match one feature.
    • Features to note: angle of brainstem, 0 line just slicing superior cerebellum and gene and below of corpus callosum, origin at anterior commisure (where white matter "finger" ends).
  1. SPM 2: Save by clicking "Reorient"; the T1 will already be selected, so just click "Done". When asked, say "yes" to saving the parameters, and use the default file name.
