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You will now display the FIRST findings on a standard brain. The script simply loads the FIRST shape and statistical results into FSLView; we need to add the template brain and adjust visualization settings. The steps are described in the user manual under Viewing results. The current page simply presents these steps in more detail.

Open a terminal in the folder with the stats results. Run the script with the mask and p-value files as inputs; since the mask file will be in the paretn folder, use "../" to indicate that.

Note: when the instructions in the user manual say: press "i" they mean click the little "i" icon in the FSLView GUI, not press the keyboard "i"!


[user@localhost temp]$ /usr/local/fsl/bin/first3Dview  L ../L_Hipp_vertexMNI_2sample_mask.nii.gz  L_Hipp_vertexMNI_2sample_rand_clustere_corrp_fstat1.nii.gz
