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In brief: CSPM creates a subfolder "significant_cope" with results files.

Example: V:\LinuxShare\FSL_FIRST\ID111N1045G2\L_Hipp\MNI\TIVagesex\vox\significant_cope

The "cope_tstat..." files are the effect sizes in regions of significant change, in units of voxel size (so 1 mm voxel size means the values are in mm). The "_dec" and "_inc" are decreasing and increasing values separated out, if you want to play both blobs on one surface. The corrp are corrected p value files.

Sorting out the files

The output of randomise are statistic, p value, and corrected p value files, for each contrast. The contrasts to which statistics files correspond are indicated by numbers, e.g., *_tstat(or _fstat1),  *_tstat2, *_tstat3, and so on. For a two-group design matrix, you will typically have four contrasts; these are listed in the *.con text file created when you create the design matrix with the Glm GUI. Below is an example:

Quick look

Open a  p-value file in mricron, and look at the histogram (Ctrl^H); this will quickly show you whether there are significant p values. Remember that FSL saves these as 1-p value, so p = 0.05 will be recorded as 0.95 in the file.
