Paul modified the file asl_perf_subtract in ASLtbx to save the input parameters if the gobal VERBOSE option is on. (Those changes are shown at the bottom of this page.)
- Turn on VERBOSE mode
>> global VERBOSE
>> VERBOSE = true
- Run the ASL preprocessing; for each new CBF map calculated, this will save a file with the parameters used in the ASLtbx calculation of CBF maps.
- look in the command window
- From the CSPM ASL menu, select "Show ASLtbx parameters" and select the input file. You will get something in the Command Window as below:
Changes in asl_perf_subtract file that allow saving
Copy and paste the following lines
% PMM - save parameters
global VERBOSE
if isempty(VERBOSE), VERBOSE = false; end
p = fileparts(Filename(1,:));
save ([p,filesep,'input2asl_perf_subtract_inCSPM.mat'])
cspm_displink2folder(p,'Input state to ASL calculation saved in "input2asl_perf_subtract_inCSPM.mat" in ')
catch, end
% End PMM
so that it looks like this (see line numbers):