This tool can import the UCRex csv files without problem (Database => Import Data).
All tables
Set the separator to be a comma. Ideally, text is in quotes.
The STUDY_ID field is the key, so edit the type to set to primary key. However, it is in hex format. The type should be changed to VARCHAR with length 32. The default type is BLOB, but this can't be used as a primary key (see why).
Set the STUDY_ID field to not allow nulls, and to type VARCHAR length 32:
ICD_CODE should be set to a string: VARCHAR, length 32 should be fine.
ICD_DESC should be set to 255 length; it may default to 150, which is not long enough.
ENCOUNTERS => encounter
Comma as separator
Set STUDY_ID to VARCHAR length 32, do not allow nulls.
ENCOUNTER_ID to BIGINT, do not allow nulls.
PROCEDURES => procedures (procedure is a reserved word)
First, add a header for "PROC_CODE" as the second-to-last field:
Comma as separator
Set STUDY_ID to VARCHAR length 32, do not allow nulls.
ENCOUNTER_D ID to BIGINT, do not allow nulls.
For Date, change name to DATE, and make sure it's month/day/year format ("Advanced" button at bottom-left.)
STUDY_ID: VARCHAR(32), deselect allow nulls
ENCOUNTER_ID: BIGINT, deselect allow nulls
Change 3 types VARCHAR(50) to VARCHAR(255)