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1. Select filter options

Noisy data: linear phase, low-pass filter (default)

2. Exclude data

2.1 Bad channels

2.2 Bad or undesired periods: e.g., exclude practice tasks so you avoid dealing with those later.

2.3 Exclude trials that the participant failed. For example, if the participant failed to reach the minimum inspiratory pressure in the second trial, exclude the second trial from the analysis for that person. (Click here and scroll to page 20)

3. Sliding-Window Motion Artifact Rejection (SMAR)

Click here and scroll to page 27

Original publication of the SMAR technique here

H. Ayaz, M. Izzetoglu, P. A. Shewokis and B. Onaral, "Sliding-window motion artifact rejection for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy," 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2010, pp. 6567-6570, doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5627113.

4. Compute oxygenation signal

This technique uses the Modified Beer Lambert Law (MBLL) by clicking the “Oxy” button in the light file.