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Download and install
Google mricron, go to the "installation" page, and look for a download for your operating system (link as of 2015-08-28).
This will likely link to nitrc:
Download and unzip the file; you will get a folder "mricron" with files inside. I like to put this in my Program FIles (x86) folder (for Windows), but you can place it anywhere.
Run the mricron application; you can create a link (I add this to my taskbar; right-click the file to get those options).
Test the installation by opening the standard brain ("colin"); you can now scroll through the brain (drag with mouse, or use x/y/z boxes top-left).
You can also overlay anatomical structures from an atlas by going Overlay, Add
and selecting the "aal.nii.gz" file from C:\Program Files (x86)\mricron\templates; Under the Overlay menu, set the "Transparency on background" to 50%
to get this image.
Saving preferences
The settings can be changed
Help => preferences
Note that these may not save if the permissions of the installation folder do not allow it. Change the permissions for teh current or all suers - 3 steps below (need admin rights):