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(Not updated in 2015) How to quantify results for FSL FIRST, after stats have been generated.


For a stats file "L_Hipp_vertexMNI_rand_tfce_p_tstat1.nii.gz" for example, you can get information based on standard FSL reporting (this page has several examples).

The following two commands will get you started:

Defining clusters (see FSL guide)

Example command for corrected p value < 0.05 (which requires a threshold of 0.95 since p values are stored in nifti files as 1-p):

[datauser@localhost temp]$ cluster -i L_Hipp_vertexMNI_rand_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz -t 2 0.95 -o cluster_index --osize=cluster_size  {optional: > cluster_info.txt}

This will create two nifti files as shown below with values at any location above the threshold (2 0.95 in the example), one with the cluster index starting at 1 (cluster_index.nii,gz) and one with the cluster size in voxels (cluster_size.nii.gz). The list of clusters will be displayed in the command window, unless the option "pipe" (>) to text file is used, in which case the text file will contain the table information.


Later statistics and calculations refer to the cluster index, so this information is typically used repeatedly.

Tip: if you copy the table and paste into Excel, either from the Linux terminal or from the text file, it will sort into columns properly:

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P values and t statistics

Example command to extract t values at significant clusters:

[datauser@localhost temp]$ cluster -i L_Hipp_vertexMNI_rand_tfce_pcorrpp_tstat1.nii.gz t 2gz -t 0.95-L_Hipp_vertexMNI_rand_tstat1.nii.gz scalarname="1-p" > cluster_p1.txt 


 {optional: > cluster_corrp.



This produces a similar table to the previous example, but with extra columns showing the cluster values extracted from a second file listed after the "-c" flag. The second input file (t statistic in this example) is referred to as "COPE" (see cluster guide).