Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

See FSL website for analysis details.

Preparing T1 files

FSL does not read all nifti files properly, so we convert them. There was some issue with reading rotations/shears, so these are removed with reslicing. Additionally, testing on 0.65 x 0.65 x 0.0.65 mm voxel size files also needed a conversion to int16 from float 32 data format.

Manually Running and Testing

Under CSPM => T1, go to "T1 to FSL-Compatible", and select the T1. This will create a new file in a zipped (*.nii.gz) format, which you can open with mricron.

Image Removed

Copy this file to the Linux system (e.g., LinuxShare).

Note that FIRST expects all files to be in the same folder, so the T1's and segmentations for all subjects will be in one location. This can make for thousands of files in that folder, but that is normal.

To test FIRST on one subject:

  1. Create an empty folder (e.g., LinuxShare\temp)

If you are running within Linux and don't need Windows, then create a folder (termed "directory" in Linux) wherever you want.


The command "pwd" will tell you the current directory.


OLD: To set up FSL FIRST to run custom VOI:

(Paul worked with Brian from FSL for a few months trying to be able to use custom VOI's, but FIRST had a major upgrade which superceeded all the changes (which never worked properly anyway).)

  • Copy the updated first program (as of October 2011) created by Brian Patenaude to the FSL application folder /usr/local/fsl/bin

- Copy the file from Windows to the LinuxShare folder
- In Linux, open a file browser and go to /usr/local/fsl/bin
- Rename the old "first" executable file "first_old"
- In Linux, copy the new file to the folder Document IconImage Removedfirst

  • Copy and correct the special script for running the custom VOI to the FSL application folder /usr/local/fsl/bin

- Copy the file from Windows to the LinuxShare folder
- In Linux, open a file browser and go to /usr/local/fsl/bin
- Rename the old "first" executable file "first_old"
- Copy the new file to the /usr/loca/fsl/bin folder Document IconImage Removedrun_first_dev
- In Linux, open a terminal and run the following commands, to remove extra carraige return characters that Windows puts in text files:
[...]$ cd /usr/local/fsl/bin
[...]$ dos2unix run_first_devThe following pages detail step-by-step how to set up and run FIRST, and are based on the FSL website.

Child pages (Children Display)