- Locate the Acq 5 dongle (Key 11 & 12) in first drawer of PD's desk. Insert dongle to an open USB port on the computer hard drive tower
- Note: The Dongle MUST BE inserted to the harddrive in order to access the program. Acq will ask you to insert the dongle if it is unable to locate it.
- Note: The Dongle MUST BE inserted to the harddrive in order to access the program. Acq will ask you to insert the dongle if it is unable to locate it.
- Access AcqKnowlege from PD desktop computer
You will receive the message below indicating that Acq is unable to establish communications with any hardware. Select: Analyze Only - From the Acq home screen select: Open a graph file, Graph file on Disk, and click OK
- This will allow you to access files directly from the T: Drive
- From the Acq: Open window, scroll to the T: Drive and access the Subject's Acqknowledge Document under the Physiology Study Visit: Phys folder. Select Open