Installing Python for use with MATLAB

Check current installation


>> pyenv

ans =

PythonEnvironment with properties:

Version: "3.7"
Executable: "C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.EXE"
Library: "C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python37.dll"
Home: "C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37"
Status: NotLoaded
ExecutionMode: InProcess


>> pyenv

ans =

PythonEnvironment with properties:

Version: ""
Executable: ""
Library: ""
Home: ""
Status: NotLoaded
ExecutionMode: InProcess

Select supported version

See current MATLAB documentation (link to pdf with compatible versions Jun 2022)


Install or update

Got to, downloads, and select a supported version (probably not the latest).

Grab the Windows 64-bit installer download, and run

Note (by example): Version 3.8 has the latest release of 3.8.13. However, 3.8.10 was the last version with an installer; this is what you need. Search for “3.8.10” and download and run the “Windows installer (64-bit)” file.

Check the “Add to path” option and install

If updating, remove old version

Configure Python

Check installation:

  • Open a Command Prompt

  • py --version

  • py -m pip --version

Find home folder in MATLAB

Use pyenv to find home folder