Fiber Tracking

Fiber Tracking

First, convert your ROI to an MRIcroN-generate nii file: start MRIcroN, open the Analyze ROI (PostIntCapsule.img) Draw, Convert, ROI -> VOI Draw, Convert, VOI -> NII

Start dtiFiberUI, open the dt6 file File, Add Nifti/Analyze image, select the VOI (PostIntCapsule.nii) file you just created with MRIcroN Set the background to PostIntCapsule Under ROIs, "New Other'", ROI from image mask - the defaults should be OK for a binary mask. You might want to change values if you use a T-map, or an image that is not just 0/1. Fibers, "Track from current ROI"

This gives quite nice fiber tracts - to view, check "marlab 3D" (bottom-right), click update; it will show the fibers with the optional ax/cor/sag slices at the locations as set in the main GUI. To rotate the brain in 3D, click the "Rotate 3D" toolbar button in the figure window (with the circular arrow on it) - you can then click-and-drag the image to rotate it.

For some reason this does not align with CINCH, so I'll see if I can figure that one out. But it's a great start!

You could also try selecting the "mrMesh" option - it crashes on my computer because I have the latest version of matlab :-( .

Paul's stuff

http://groups.google.com/group/comp.soft-sys.matlab/browse_frm/thread/f00b29872e6a6ec9/98b19577e218285e%2398b19577e218285e google matlab 3d line tube surface

mrVista: dtiFiberTrack and dtiEig