Physiology with fMRI - Use

Physiology with fMRI - Use

The physiology studies are loaded separately, using their original sampling rates.

The fMRI-specific physiology is linked to fMRI studies in the Project configuration.

The question (2022-08-08) is happens next. Let’s consider different scenarios:



Preprocessing and parameters



Preprocessing and parameters

View concurrent physiology

Time-trends with RMANOVA

Same as physiology

Time-points for bins: TR (same as fMRI)

Corelate whole-brain fMRI

Correlation maps of BOLD*phys

This should be average of phys channel over TR collection period of fMRI scan

Time-points for bins: TR (same as fMRI)

Get one value/TR time-point

Correlation that series with each voxel time-course

?Convolve with hrf?

What preprocessing? Motion correction?

Do normalization steps on correlation maps

Provide correlation maps for 2nd level analysis

Slice-by-slice correlation

Correlations maps

Categorize location in breath: inspiration, expiration, end-insp, end-exp (and so on)

Get time-bins for slices, get phys for those time-bins

Create correlation maps on a slice-by-slice basis

?How to deal with motion correction?

Create phys time-trend for each voxel (slice)

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