QNAP storage expansion

Add expansion unit

Add expansion unit, connect to NAS, and install disks. (Video on expansion units - USB 3.2 is fast)

Open admin console

In Storage Manager, go to Disks and check that the new expansion unit is listed

Expand Storage pool

Under Storage Space, select the Storage Pool, then Manage

Click Expand Pool, Create and add a new RAID group, Next

Select the expansion unit

Select all the Disks, Next

Expand, OK; wait a few minutes

Once complete, click OK and close the Storage Pool management GUI.

Expand Volume

Select the volume under the storage pool, click Manage (you might need to double-click the pool to show the Volume, or click on the small black down arrow (see 1)

Click Expand Volume, click Set to Max, click Apply

This will resize the volume; it will take a few hours.