

01/28/2015: Paul discussed ways of merging BHIP program to create a subset of the physiology/exercise program:

                   ** AA is currently completing the BHIP program exclusively for UCLA faculty and staff at no cost offering participants intensive lifestyle training in areas of exercise, nutrition, stress management, and mental conditioning. The classes are 3 days/wk

                      (Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays) with an optional nutrition class on Thursdays** More information about the program can be found here

01/28/2015: "Assessment Day"- Take a waist, hip, and lb measurement (all of which are voluntary)

                    - waist measurement: measured around the entire abdomen and over the belly button. Participant faces trainer while taking this measurement

                   - hip measurement: participant turns to the side and trainer takes measurement around your hip bones and over your tail bone 

                   Exercises: Pushups (body strength) for 2 minutes and death by 10 meters (cardio)