Use MRIcroGL for displaying images in 3D.
- Download the latest version from Chris Rorden's github site (or just google).
- Unzip the file
- Create an "MRIcroGL" subfolder in your "C:\Program Files" folder (or "C:\Program Files (x86)" if you are running 64-bit Windows)
- Copy the unzipped files into this subfolder
- Right-click over the "mricrogl" executable, "Send to", "Desktop (create shortcut)"
Creating 3D files
In MRIcron, you can export the current image as displayed, including contrast settings, blobs, etc.: "Draw" menu, "Advanced", "Export as RGB". This creates an "*.nii.gz" file, that mricrogl can open. Note that you cannot change the blobs or contrasts of the exported file.