A virtual machine ("VM") is software that runs an operating system within a computer. For MRI analyses, we run Linux software on a windows computer. We install the virtual machine software (VMware), and that software runs Linux. The shorthand is "LinuxVM."
These pages are principally designed for the system administrator who will be creating the LinuxVM. If you are a user, you would typically start off with a large set of files that compose the LinuxVM.
Technical Note: For text files to be used in Linux, open as "t" to avoid the DOS double-charater CR+LF at the end of each line (CR = carriage return /r, LF = line feed /n). (http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/en/data/1-15HVX/index.html?product=SL&solution=1-15HVX link]
e.g., id = fopen(newfile.bat,'wt+');
The Linux command dos2unix will remove CR characters.
See bottom of page for updating.
Setting up Windows with LinuxVM
#Get and install "VMware Player" (free)#Enable "Virtualization Technology"#In the BIOS, you must make sure the option to run "Intel Vistualization Technology" (or similar in AMD) is enabled; here are some instructions:www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/support/configure-bios.aspx Microsoft Virtual PC pageYou will also need a 64-bit machine running 64-bit Windows.
Virtual Machine
Get the copy of the virtual machine (VM) you will use (or create your own using "VMware Workstation"). You will need the MRI software (FSL and FreeSurfer), the account name and password, and sshd service. There is a copy ("clone") on the Share drive:
Copy this to a local folder; I suggest C:\LinuxVM. You will need ~300GB.
Download and install VMware Player (free).
Open VMware Player, and open the saved VM; select the copy option.
To test:
Start ("Play") the virtual machine
In the Centos 6 version (as of October 2013), the password is "data" (there is only one user, which you click).
You'll usually need to start a terminal (see black rectangle icon on top toolbar).
Type fsl to get FSL (Linux is case sensitive, unlike Windows)
Shared folder
Choose a shared folder; I use one on the network, but something simple is good (e.g., "V:\LinuxShare\"). Avoid spaces in any Linux path.
Edit the VM settings, choose the Options tab, Shared Folders
Always enabled
"Add..." the folder
This will now show up in Linux (at least in CentOS) under /mnt/hgfs.
In Windows, change the folder permissions so that all users can modify, read and write.
To update:
- Change the VM's network settings to bridged
- Start/restart the VM
- Under System, Administration, Network, "Edit" the eth0 device and set to DHCP instead of static address
- Under System, Administration, Server Settings, Services, go to Network and restart
- To Add or Remove, go to Applications, Add/Remove Software
- To Update, go to Applications, System Tools, Software Updater
- Change back to static IP (System, Administration, Network, "Edit" the eth0 device)
- Change the VM settings back to Host-Only, restart
Increasing Swap Space
Here is an article that seems to do a good job: https://www.rootusers.com/how-to-increase-the-size-of-a-linux-lvm-by-expanding-the-virtual-machine-disk/.
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