Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Name of project
  2. Name of currently selected group
  3. Add a group
  4. Rename currently selected group (edit 2)
  5. Delete group
  6. Make group to exclude
  7. Flag as repeated measures (not implemented as of 2015-02-21)
  8. List of groups
  9. "RM" indicates a repeated measures group, and "*" indicates excluded.
  10. Name of new study to add
    • Type this study first; if the study name includes a subject name, 11 will automatically select that subject. This is helpful if you have a lot of subjects in the list.
  11. Subject associated with this study (pull-down list)
  12. Click to add study linked to selected subject.
  13. Physiology/MRI (Physiology not implemented as of 2015-02-21)
  14. Subject of selected group (you can change it here, but this will cause problems).
  15. Name of current study; to rename, edit the text.
  16. Flip L/R flag; all images in the study will be flipped left-to-right.
    • The flipping happens in the rawimages project subfolder. All images will be prepended with "flip"
    • Good practice is to name the study with "flip" at the end of the name (like "OSA120flip").
    • Suggest also creating a separate group if some subjects are flipped. For example, "CONTROL" and CONTROLflip", or "CONTROLpainright", or "CONTORLdominantright").
  17. Exclude; mark to exclude from analyses.
  18. Delete; deletes study a some or all of the linked files (mri's, sets, linked physiology, etc.). 
    • Before deletion, a list of what will be deleted will be shown in an Excel file.
  19. List of studies in current group.
  20. "R<->L" indicates a flipped study, and "*" indicates an excluded study.
  21. Subject comment.
  22. Path to raw data top folder; not used at present.
  23. Delete mri (no confirmation).
  24. Exclude - flag current mri to exclude from analyses.
  25. List or mri's in this study; type is prepended in list.
  26. "TYPE 15" indicates an fMRI file is linked to an fmritype that defines the task protocol; select from the pull-down menu.
  27. Orange indicates an fMRI scan is not linked to an frmitype (and therefore cannot be analysed).
  28. List of mri scans for the subject.
  29. Add to the mri's in this study
    • Select type first
    • Keyboard shortcut "A" 
  30. Type to add. 
    • Will sometimes automatically be selected when user selects an MRI scan, if "T1", "fMRI" etc are in the name of the scan.
