This screen allows projects to be configured, with MRI raw data grouped into studies and groups.
- Name of project
- Name of currently selected group
- Add a group
- Rename currently selected group (edit 2)
- Delete group
- Make group to exclude
- Flag as repeated measures (not implemented as of 2015-02-21)
- List of groups
- "RM" indicates a repeated measures group, and "*" indicates excluded.
- Name of new study to add
- Type this study first; if the study name includes a subject name, 11 will automatically select that subject. This is helpful if you have a lot of subjects in the list.
- Subject associated with this study (pull-down list)
- Click to add study linked to selected subject.
- Physiology/MRI (Physiology not implemented as of 2015-02-21)
- Subject of selected group (you can change it here, but this will cause problems).
- Name of current study; to rename, edit the text.
- Flip L/R flag; all images in the study will be flipped left-to-right.
- The flipping happens in the rawimages project subfolder. All images will be prepended with "flip"
- Good practice is to name the study with "flip" at the end of the name (like "OSA120flip").
- Suggest also creating a separate group if some subjects are flipped. For example, "CONTROL" and CONTROLflip", or "CONTROLpainright", or "CONTORLdominantright").
- Exclude; mark to exclude from analyses.
- Delete; deletes study a some or all of the linked files (mri's, sets, linked physiology, etc.).
- Before deletion, a list of what will be deleted will be shown in an Excel file.
- List of studies in current group.
- "R<->L" indicates a flipped study, and "*" indicates an excluded study.
- Subject comment.
- Path to raw data top folder; not used at present.
- Delete mri (no confirmation).
- Exclude - flag current mri to exclude from analyses.
- List or mri's in this study; type is prepended in list.
- "TYPE 15" indicates an fMRI file is linked to an fmritype that defines the task protocol; select from the pull-down menu.
- Orange indicates an fMRI scan is not linked to an frmitype (and therefore cannot be analysed).
- List of mri scans for the subject.
- Add to the mri's in this study
- Select type first
- Keyboard shortcut "A"
- Type to add.
- Will sometimes automatically be selected when user selects an MRI scan, if "T1", "fMRI" etc are in the name of the scan.
, multiple selections available,
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