Zombie = Archive (old pages - not used)

Zombie = Archive (old pages - not used)


The analysis needs manual setting up, after which the actually procedures are automatic. The data needs to be stored in well-backed up location, you need to enter the subject information including what scans were performed, and you also need to choose an analysis folder. You will then need to configure an analysis - what groups, subjects, scans etc.

Setup CSPM

To run any of the analysis functions, first select an analysis from the pop-up menu.

Subject information: click on the "Subject Info" button (top-right).

Restrict which subjects you look at (and soon create new groups) CSPM filter

Add a description to the output folders: enter text in "Description" field.

Configuring and Selecting Studies


CSPM-changes to SPM files.


You can use WinSCP to Synchronize your spm5 folder to the Share drive, where the latest version is located - Ctrl^S (or Command -> Synchronize) starts the synchronization GUI - it should look something like this: 
Uploaded Image


Display functional blobs and timetrends

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