The CSPM SPM files contain the SUIT toolbox. During preprocessing, the SUIT option can be selected to run SUIT on most modalities, including “isolation” and normalizing to SUIT space (details). After preprocessing, the SUIT-specific modalities will be available for stats just like the whole brain ones.
SUIT options in Preprocessing (snapshot below table)
Option | What it does |
Brainstem/Cerelellum (SUIT) | Runs SUIT for all modalities Will use mask (for normalization step) in T1 “SUIT” subfolder in T1preprocess study folders. Order of priority of mask choiuce is:
Require manual mask | Looks for manually created SUIT mask on T1; will not run if it is missing In SUIT subfolder of T1preprocess File suffix {T1 filename}_manedit” Does not override the fmodelity-specific manual mask (e.g., fMRI, see next option in table) |
Apply fMRI-VOI mask | Looks for manually created SUIT mask based on fMRI. Will not run if missing. Overrides “Require manual mask” option (above) In “SUIT” subfolder of fMRI files, in fMRIpreprocess study folders Typically based on mean fMRI There are two file naming options
Rationale for new name: “_SUITVOI_fMRI” shows it is specific to SUIT, whereas “_fMRI” could be anything. | Since the fMRI scans are slightly distorted wrt T1’s the SUIT space is slightly different. |
Voxel size | Voxel size when reslicing into SUIT normalized space (so what will be analyzed in stats) |
Smoothing | Smoothing fwhm |