File Information

File Information

These files are generated in CPSM processing. See also Specific files created with CSPM.

T1 processing


resliced T1; the converted images are rigid-body shifted into MNI space, and resliced to a common space (bounding box and voxel size - set in the analysis GUI)

Note: These files may optionally be manually adjusted in the manual2MNI folder

"m"rE...bias-corrected T1; intensity inhomogeneities are common in raw images out of the scanner (bright or dark regions in the image), and bias correction fixes these. This is created as part of the segmentation and normalization process, which in SPM8 is unified segmentation" and in SPM12 can be new or old unified segmentation or DARTEL

"c1"mrE..., "c2"mrE..., "c3"mrE...Probabilities of gray matter (c1), white matter (c2), and CSF (c3) generated by new SPM12 segmentation (or SPM8's DARTEL-specific segmentation). Note that five or six "compartments" may be used for DARTEL.

mrE..."_seg1", mrE..."_seg2", mrE_"seg3"Probabilities of gray matter (c1), white matter (c2), and CSF (c3) generated by the SPM8 unified segmentation procedure (Ashburner, NeuroImage)

"w"c1mrE... or "w"..._seg1

or other "w"...

 "w" indicates an image is specially normalized into a template space. As part of processing, the T1 is normalized, along with various segmentations and possibly masks.

"wc1"rE... indicates spatially normalized gray matter; for VBM, this is smoother and analyzed, and interpreted as "gray matter density" (not "regional gray matter volume" which needs a different image - see next).

"mw"c1mrE...Modulated gray matter; this is the spatially normalized probability of gray matter "modulated" (read multiplied) by the volume change, and in VBM is interpreted as "regional gray matter volume".

"jac_rc1"...Jacobian; this stores the volume change at each voxel, and can be used to perform deformation-based morphometry. It is simply volume change with no probablity of gray matter or anythign else.
SUIT"c_"... or "c"...Indices an image in the native suit space; T1 shown on right. The image might be a T1 or mask, or other file. This is generated at the SUIT Isolate step.

"c_"..._pcereb" and "c_"..."pcereb_corr"..._pcereb is the probability of a region being in the cerebellum or brainstem, and ...pcereb_corr is the mask, which is the probability thresholded (0.5? not sure)

"m"mrE...SUIT generates a bias corrected whole-brain T1; this is redundant for CSPM since we already use a bias corrected T1 (hence the two m's).

mrsE..._seg1/_seg2SUIT generates whole-brain gray and white probability maps

"u_a_"mrE...DARTEL flow field mapping T1 to SUIT template

wcc1mrE... / s4wcc1mrE...Image for VBM gray matter density, pre/post smoothing: "w" = spatially normalized (to SUIT template), "c" = native SUIT space, "c1" = gray matter probability. "s4" = 4mm smoothing

wmcc1mrE... / s4wmcc1mrE...Image for VBM regional gray matter volume, pre/post smoothing: "wm" = spatially normalized (to SUIT template) with modulation, "c" = native SUIT space, "c1" = gray matter probability. "s4" = 4mm smoothing

wcjac_rc1E... / s4wcjac_rc1E...Image for deformation-based morphometry (DBM), pre/post smoothing: "w" = spatially normalized (to SUIT template), "c" = native SUIT space, "jac_rc1" = Jacobian. "s4" = 4mm smoothing

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