Repeated Measures ANOVA
CSPM will run repeated measures ANOVA (RMANOVA) on fMRI timetrends and physiology if SAS is installed and setup.
VOI timetrends
Within and between group
Run the VOI timetrends from the DIsplay Results GUI. This will generate SAS subfolders for each VOI, and an extra MATLAB figure and Excel table of results:
The Excel fiel "Table of RMANOVA results" contains model fit information, and the figure "fig_RMANOVA" contains between-group and within-group time-points of difference (if any). By default the graphs are squished, so click edit plot and expand them.
Because the asterisks are lined up with the middle plot, make sure you don't drag them out of alignment.
In the ...\SAS\lib folder, the withingroup.txt and betweengroup.txt files contain the marginal means and differences, standard errors, and p values.
Within and between VOI
Once the VOI are loaded, you can select multiple VOI and Plot, and it will also create the RMANOVA files.
The RMANOVA and figure files are saved in temporary folders. There will be a link in the Command Window. If you select differences, it will do RMANOVA for differences between VOI.
Example: anterior-posterior and left-right figures and RMANOVA were calculated with this approach in the insula gyri paper:
Macey PM, Wu P, Kumar R, Ogren JA, Richardson HL, Woo MA, et al. Differential responses of the insular cortex gyri to autonomic challenges. Auton Neurosci. 2012 May 21;168(1-2):72-81. PubMed PMID: 22342370. Epub 2012/02/22. eng.
Differences relative to one VOI
New option (2016-07): 1) select VOI, 2) check "Differences", 3) select reference, then 4) run. "Only" means the standard timetrends will not be displayed. For "Differences," a VOI is used as the reference and subtracted from other VOI timetrends, which are then analyzed in the usual way. For example, if the left CONTROL left ASG is a reference, and the CONTROL left ASG and CONTROL right ASG selected, the time trend analyzed will be left - right. There are three reference options:
Every select VOI will be used as the reference for all other VOI. For 2 VOI, there will be 2 difference comaprisons. For 5 VOI, there will be 5 comparisons. In other words, each VOI is used as the reference once.
VOI that is selected
If the reference is a selected VOI, comparisons of all other VOI relative to that one will be made. A single comparison will be the output.
VOI not selected
If the reference VOI is not in the selected ones, this will be sued as a reference for all selected VOI. A single comparison will be the output.
SAS setup
Install SAS in your system, made sure the license is current ("setinit" file needs updating every year), and in CSPM, Options, Local settings make sure the path to the program file is set.