updates 2015-12 December

  • SUIT intensity normalization: should now work by intensity normalizing the whole-brain images prior to SUIT segmentation, as opposed to the old (incorrect) method of intensity normalizing only the SUIT-segmented images. There will be "iw" prepended whole brain images, as opposed to "isw"; the SUIT images will be "cwi" instead of "icw" or iscw".
  • Some more physiology tidying - making variable names consistent.
  • Fixed issue with saving to pdf (now the default); custom settings should be made in a "spm_my_defaults.m" file (I placed this in spm12 folder), not by editing spm_defaults.m.
  • local settings: made fixes so that if Linux or database settings are changed, it will reset without restarting MATLAB
  • added local settings physiology channel settings; added one more step in phys processing (sampling copied channels, allowing exclusion of channels not to analyze)
  • Subjects GUI, study table: prevent pasting of invalid characters into name (e.g., tab), as the name is used to create folders in file copy stage
  • Fixed problem when doing "Display VOI" for anatomical measures for large VOI (*_ecdf_voxall.pdf had too many points in "painters" so save figure as bitmap in pdf instead).
  • Tidied up individual covariates GUI for MATLAB 2015b.
  • Identified GE DTI series with "DTI" at start of SequenceName as DTI - this means it will look for DTI info, even though it can't read that from Signa v 15.0 headers.
  • Option to print SPM Graphics window to pdf (good for importing into CorelDraw); ps/eps files are no longer reliable.

  • Removed unnecessary empty folder warning when no projects are present (empty database) in projects GUI.
  • Fixed a bug in the anatomical VOI display results.
  • Fixed subjects GUI for MATLAB 2015b.
  • Gives some info if DTI data is not included with DTI nifti files; will still cause error, but previously just crashed without explanation.
  • Fixed PARREC conversion problem for DTI where b0 was and end of series.
  • Fixed spm_print problem (recent SPM12 issue)
  • Tried tidying up the Linux settings and some initialization parameters that can cause problems if the paths or passwords are left as the defaults.
  • Fixed bug when manually selecting new stats analysis from stats GUI
  • More work on physiology (not ready yet)
  • Fix adding new project (did not work) in project setup GUI.

  • FIRST option to only do one vertex analyses, and one randomise correction option, instead of running everything

  • Tweak to FRIST design results to improve reliability
  • Fix to DICOM convert to work with some Philips DICOM files (Kaisa)
  • More physiology steps - adding project study
  • Fixed bug in FIRST design stats (sometimes does not create uncorrected p value files)
  • Fixed bug which would occur if default local settings for Linux user/password were not changed (these were not saved, even though the GUI made it seem as if they were). This led to errors with "linuxoptions" and alike.
  • Made a minor change so that an empty database would not give an error when going to Projects GUI.
  • Tried to address very odd error whereby T1 segmentation with DARTEL can fail (on Noemi and Paul's worsktation but but not laptop). Latest change may help. However, the error will not occur if "Segment" has been run manually from the SPM Menu, so if CSPM does fail at the first time ti triess to run "T1- DARTEL to TEMPLATE" then simply click "Segment" on the SPM menu, select a T1 file, and start running. You can cancel this (click in MATLAB Command Window, press Ctrl^C), and CSPM should now run. 