Updates 2022

These release notes refer to the latest CSPM changes, which are uploaded to Google Drive (help getting files - see SyncBackPro updates July 2022). Sometimes files outside of CSPM are updated; if so, the notes will mention “matlab update”.

MATLAB version: 2022a.

  • DTI - fixed bug that sometimes happened running older sets; added command window info for normalizing DTI step

  • 1-D - Nicer 2-group Box plots

  • Preprocessing - fix bug with older sets

  • SetsGUI - should update now - very odd Google Drive error - an updated cspm_sets_config_App.mapp file was uploaded, and is listed as recent (Dec 1 2022), but when downloaded it’s an older version! (Jul 7 2022). (Fixed by uploading newer file.)

  • Subject delete - code changes to be compatible with recent MATLAB releases

  • Set configuration - made some tweaks to GUI, may work better in <4k screens

  • Subject delete - some code changes to make compatible with current MATLAB, not tested

  • Projects - Fixed delete study, created App version of configure (being tested)

  • rsMRI new measure - Display Results updated (guide moved to App), should work for correlation map measures.

  • fMRI - added checks for corrupted files in matching to T1 space, realignment - now if mean is corrupted, checks for previous-step (files used to create mean - detrened, bias corrected, etc.)

  • fMRI - added checks for corrupted files in matching to T1 space, realignment

  • fMRI connectivity - fixed (one) bug

  • fMRI connectivity - may have fixed bug

  • Set “1D” files created, change set stats GUI to remove “metric” since this is in 1D results

  • Sets config - fixed multi-project selection bug

  • DICOM convert - fixed (hopefully) bug in pre-2022 conversion

  • Pubmed (matlab update) - updated for 2022a/b, and for French spelling of June (“juin”)

  • Grayplots - added physiology, options, tidying display, tidying code (ongoing)

  • CSPM GUI - renamed Stats to 1-D stats…. to distinguish from MRI stats

  • Grayplots - more progress on individual display options

  • Basic stats - smoothed out process of reloading when making parameter changes.

  • Basic stats - fixed startup bug

  • Basic stats - fixed 2 group labelling issues, fixed problem with boxplot group labelling, added bar/box figure scaling (to make consistent sizes for export).

  • Basic stats - correlation works with 1 group; disabled some options that are not used.

  • Basic stats - save time making tables for papers, look at means and correlations quickly. Will expand this tool but it's a start



  • 4D files - fixed a quirky bug with 3D-to-4D conversion, including the one in lmgs (did not affect 3D processing)

  • Analysis GUI - ready/running lamp

  • Phys - fixed error

  • fMRI+phys - fixed bugs - large file saving, correlation maps

  • DTI - fixed errors related to CAT

  • fMRI - fixed recent bug with voxel size going to NaN

  • fMRI - fixed issue where CAT would lead to re-writing t1-space normalization

  • DTI - separate match-to-t1 into CAT subfolder

  • Analysis - tweaking table; option to skip BIDS, protocol tables easier to read, checking for some errors

  • View metric study - fixed bug

  • DICOM convert - fixed a bug that sometimes happened; added search for *.dcm files in subfolders

  • Analysis protocols - fixed some bugs; might be working!

  • Linear detrending - fixed bug introduced yesterday

  • Linear detrending - if memory is available, will load volumes, and write as volumes (instead of slices). Might speed up, and reduce chance of network error.

  • Project - delete study fixed

  • Coreg - fixed nifti_folder error; changes to GUI

  • Analysis protocols - added for T1, VBM and fMRI

  • DICOM convert - added option to use MRIcroGL (still being tested); testing with Melbourne and Neura scans

  • Coreg - option to view coregistered files in Projects and Sets GUIs

  • Project GUI - revamped to fit in screen and be resizeable

  • Coreg - check for cursor not at origin (a tricky sneaky problem otherwise)

  • Tidied Projects GUI - others will need similar fixing to deal with new MATLAB graphics

  • grayplots - more options and fine tuning

  • Fixed study delete bug, check paths bug; tidied check file paths

  • Grayplots for fMRI - getting closer

  • Fixed DPARFS subject load bug (sync matlab files, not just CSPM)

  • Added option to correct datapath for studies (path to raw data)

  • T1 - added warning if missing files (used to only be with VERBOSE)

  • Started on gray plots (new Stats GUI)

  • Started on checking for missing paths (not complete)

  • fMRI - local processing for writing to warped - small speed difference on UCLA network; tested for normalization, does not make much of a speed difference on UCLA network

  • PPI - removed matlab warning

  • PPI - may have fixed bug at end of processing

  • Preclinical - creates masks

  • fMRI - slice timing does local processing.

  • Sets GUI - save set button less likely to disappear on some screens

  • fMRI + phys - some bug fixes.

  • Physiology and fMRI - extensive under-the-hood changes to physiology and physiology with fMRI.

    • Bug fixes

  • export_fig updated

  • Projects GUI - updates and bug fixes; working on physiology side of things.

  • Updated Projects GUI; manual coreg now works directly; subjects info and mri/study info now work

  • phys types - fixed GUI

  • fmri types - fixed GUI

  • Cosmetic changes to some GUI’s

  • Tidied some underlying code

  • Preclinical - does DBM files (Jacobian) - should be tested


  • Substantial and extensive changes!

  • CAT12:

    • The analysis will now run CAT12 segmentation and normalization; in the future, this will allow us to analyze surface files from CSPM

    • The normalization works for some T1 scans that DARTEL fails on (in HCP in particular)

    • There is now a separate normalization (indicated by “C”) for DTI, fMRI, T2 and VBM

  • LMGS

    • The processing is now volume-by-volume, if there is enough memory to load the entire fMRI series; otherwise it remains slice-by-slice (much slower)

      • In addition be being faster, volume-by-volume may reduce write errors

    • 4D files are properly supported

  • fMRI speeding up smoothing and DRIFTER with local processing option; this copies files to a temporary local folder to avoid writing over the network; potential 3 x or more speed-up, and may be more reliable

  • Never overwrite button more obvious

  • Set edit folder and add comments work from Preprocess GUI (comments work in Sets GUI)

  • Sets - split large project(s) into smaller sets; this may be useful to spread preprocessing (e.g., CAT). Example below shows HCP split into ~11 sets of 1000 each

  • fMRI analyses - does summary files of 1st level contrasts to more easily detect problems

    • There may be banding in some fMRI 1st level contrast maps…

  • Fixed manual coreg bug

  • Image information - Added option to show custom thresholded volumes. Example setting custom flags.

>> P = spm_select(1,'image');

>> flags.vox_above_th = 0.5;

>> flags.vox_below_th = 0.25;

>> im_info(P,flags)

  • Bug fixes for Preprocess, Analysis GUI

  • Fixed problems with Analysis GUI


Note: google drive issues, might be slower. May need to restart, may need to re-authorize connection.

  • Updated: CAT12 toolbox, option in T1 analysis may be working….

  • Tweaked - DICOM rename/convert (moves to center, updated for 2022a)

  • Fixed - sometimes-error n analysis GUI start; goes to middle of screen (used to try to remember last position; puts ID in window name)

  • Fixed - preprocess opened old stats GUI on finishing

  • Disabled r to z button (does not work, not needed)

  • Set stats - moves to window center (avoids off-screen)

  • New fun tool - search pubmed and create word cloud (and a few other things

  • Fixed fix below!

  • MATLAB 2022a problem - DPARFSA - probably will be several more of these

  • Tweaked fMRI connectivity GUI’s

  • Fixed PPI problem


  • Updating physiology - study import, event save, event creation from channel

  • Image info updated

  • Working on physiology

  • pc - T2 implemented, fixed some errors

  • pc - should do VBM and DTI without errors

  • pc - says if missing some DTI files

  • pc - now might do DTI….

  • pc - might do DTI….

  • pc - smoothing, copy to stats folder, anatomical check no longer re-runs

  • pc - fixed template bug

  • pc - added check-reg option (make sure have stats folder)

  • preclinical - starts with coreg, does old norm (unified).

  • T1, stats - fixed missing TIV, BV etc.

  • CAT12 files updated (will take a while to download)

  • DRIFTER: modified to run MUCH faster

  • DRIFTER (other functions in the future): option to copy files to local computer to speed processing (and avoind read/write errors)


  • Stats GUI, fixed SPM bugs

  • Stats GUI, fMRI VOI connectivities - fixed bugs, adjusted for older sets

  • Preclinical - does coreg (does it work…?)

  • Preclinical - fixed scaling (maybe) - delete all existing.

  • Fixed Stats GUI bug running SPM’s

  • Preclinical testing

  • Fixed error in analysis GUI with DTI

  • Fixed (hopefully!) VBM SUIT bug

  • Freesurfer tweaks

  • Tweaks to project info

  • Added option to see a subjects project information - where the a raw data studies are organized in projects (opens in Excel)

  • Fixed quirk in Analysis GUI where settings changed would not “take” (but they would be correct on reload of GUI)

    • Many changes to code - working with matlab transition to new gui’s

  • Fixed fMRI physiology vector bug

  • Fixed FSL bug

  • Freesurfer: will redo processing if files are 2021 or earlier, as this was in earlier version of freesurfer (current 7.2, old 6.0)

  • Fixed Subjects GUI bug (must have been there since Jan…?)

  • LOTS of changes to accommodate recent new code

  • T1 create ref - added info

  • Preprocess GUI - tidied

  • Fixed another mouse bug (from CAT12 changes)

  • Changed default cat12 to off (mistakenly on in recent ~1 week analysis GUI)

  • Fixed mouse bug

  • Tweaked freesurfer, hopefully fixed bug

  • Fixed a neveroverwrite bug for T1 ref create

  • Added extra check in mouse (file copying)

  • Analysis GUI: fixed initialization error

  • CAT12: started coding; incomplete

  • FreeSurfer: commands that work with 7.2 (incomplete)