CSPM Google Drive Troubleshooting (obsolete)

CSPM Google Drive Troubleshooting (obsolete)

Google Drive synchronizes files on Paul's matlab folder in the cloud with the "Google Drive\matlab" folder on each computer. When a new file is added, the Google Drive recognizes the updated file in the cloud, and copies it. However, sometimes there is a disconnect or files get changed quickly, and Google Drive cannot determine if a file is an updated version, or whether the file was changed separately in two locations. In that case, it will make a copy of both files, and label one with " (1)" on the end (or with the 2017-08 onward software with "[conflict]"). 

Note: as of 2017-08, the software "Google Drive" is now called "Backup and Sync from Google." 

See also parent page.

Simple Fix

1) turn off google drive (available via "..." buttons after you click the icon)

2) use Agent Ransack and search for files with " (1)" in both matlab folders, and delete those

3) delete all files in Google Drive\matlab (leave the folder itself)
4) turn on Google Drive (search from Start menu)

Full-on Fix

  1. turn off Google Drive (available via "..." buttons after you click the icon)
  2. Uninstall Google Drive
  3. Rename the folder C:\Users\[...]\Google Drive
    • Alternatively delete it, and Empty Trash
  4. Reinstall Google Drive
    • Download from Google Drive on the web
  5. Log in to researcher1@osabrainresearch.org
  6. Select the defaults (synchronize with newly-created C:\Users\[...]\Google Drive folder
    • For "backup and Sync from Google" deselect the first option to backup your documents
    • In the second option, select the matlab folder to download 
  7. Wait a few hours until everything is synched. 

Want to use Google Drive with you own account as well as matlab?

Ask Paul to share the matlab folder with your gmail account, and then Google Drive can sync it.

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