Analysis and raw data folder structure
Mapping Data Drives
To map the data drives, go to Windows Explorer and "Map Network Drive"
alldatauser - access to everything
map Y: to \\kiwi\share
map X: to \\kiwi\physiology
map W: to \\scanner\Study Data
map V: = \\weka\19T
map S: to \\scanner\HF Study Data
map R: = \\weka\HF Analysis
map Q: = \\kiwi\HF Physiology
harperlabuser - access to share drive only
map Y: to \\kiwi\share
HFuser - access to share + HF data only
map Y: to \\kiwi\share
map S: to \\scanner\HF Study Data
map R: = \\weka\HF Analysis
map Q: = \\weka\HF Physiology
harperlabclient - access to share + CCHS/OSA data
map Y: to \\kiwi\share
map X: to \\kiwi\physiology
map W: to \\scanner\Study Data
map V: = \\weka\19T
Raw Data - W drive
The raw data is stored on drive on a server ("scanner") in the back room. The folder is shared as "MRI Study Data" and mapped to the "W:" drive for people with access. The drive contains all MRI and physiology data, along with tracings (since these cannot be reproduced).
Most data are stored in the "MRI Study Data" folder.
Analysis Data - V drive
Preprocessed and analyzed data are stored on a large drive on a server ("weka") in the back room. The folder is shared as "19T" and is mapped to the "V:" drive for people with access. The drive contains processed data, all of which can be reproduced.
The initial folder structure is by project:
Each project folder contains analysis data separated by data type:
The "preprocess" folders contain subject-by-subject preprocessed data. For example,
contains the preprocessed DTI data for subject CON101, which in the example below includes four DTI series, and a fieldmap:
The "estimation" folders contain group analyses. Each estimation subfolder is named according to the measurement and processing. For example, the DTI naming conventions (under "DTIestimation") are:
measurements = AXIAL, RADIAL, ADC (=MD), FA, b0, Tensor, VA
b0corr = b0 error correction
Comb = normalized to T1
EC = eddy current correction
FWHM[num] = smoothing in mm
UW = field map unwarping
Subfolders are name according to the number of groups and subjects, and sometimes contain a description. The name starts with "Stats", then the number of subjects (N[num]s), the number of groups ([num]g), and sometimes a description. For example,
has 90 subjects in 4 groups, and has the description "OSACONfemalemale"