updates 2017-09 September to 2018-07-11 July

  • Loading set for analysis: tidied some error messages.
  • Covariates: display/edit/add category, tidied GUI
  • Analysis: tidied default debug options (no T1 rotations)
  • Subjects GUI: made "column width save" work
  • Created Auto width (for text columns)

  • Fixed set load bugs
  • physiology/metric filters work better ("Any" still does not work, but does not crash)
  • Tweaked subjects GUI, added short help
  • Tidied Set GUI - filtering for metric and physiology
  • Tidied CSPM GUI
  • Removed SPM8.
  • Added option to view "metric" study type in subjects GUI.
  • Fixed a weird subjects GUI selection problem.
  • Fix problem with Excel error in RMANOVA (worksheet sheet name too long)
  • Physiology display in subject / raw data
  • Fixed bug in covariate editing (Value/Date).
  • RMANOVA will continue if errors occur in age/age interaction models.
  • Adjustments to resting state (model-free) fMRI; should do spectra now (but seems to sometimes hang...).
  • Adjusted T1 rotation options. Now defaults to no T1 rotation actions, which means the "Never overwrite" can be left off, and newer files can be copied.
  • Fixed default sample rate for physiology (local settings)
  • Finished with SUIT VBM messages - will show folder, files in/out, and save job files for isolate, normalize and reslice steps
  • Messages and save batch files for SUIT T1 processing (isolate and normalise steps)
  • More changes to help avoid using copy/paste when preprocessing
  • Patient images - fixed 2017b bug, and got working from Projects/Sets GUI's.
  • Tweaks to try and deal with copy errors - might be something only in 2017b, or computer-specific
  • Catches a field name error (Luke's computer) - gives information, does not fix bug.
  • Adjust the text in projects GUI so it's not hidden
  • Tweaks to preprocessing to make it deal with occasional errors in copying; adding clear message when preprocessing finished; working on fixing some bugs with viewing results, still some work to do.
  • Fix VOI values bug in Stats GUI
  • Possible fix to odd bug at end of preprocessing (Kasia's SUIT fMRI)
  • Fixed SPM startup warning
  • Added version to spm_update; can also use
>> spm version
  • Fixed Display Results, SPM bug, occurred with mask option
  • Updated SPM12 to version 7219 (Nov. 2017).
  • Fixed Display results for SUIT fMRI bug
  • Fixed SUIT fMRI smoothing bug
  • Fixed VBM stats bug
  • Tweaked a scroll bar adjustment to avoid minor error
  • DRIFTER - if motion-correction files are deleted, it will now indicate to re-create those by re-starting preprocessing (use to try and run DRIFTER, and would fail without clear explanation).
  • Error catching in SUIT smoothing - will check for corrupted files.
  • Intervention metrics - working with multiple measures.
  • Lots of tweaks to WHH loading.
  • Some backend bug fixing, more metric loading studies with multiple recordings.
  • ASL - option to average labels before CBF calculation, or calculate each CBF volume then average those 
  • Physiology and WHH - background stuff
  • fMRI - changed bias correction step - previously, did not re-calculate a mean after the bias correction. It did have a bias-corrected mean, but not a mean of all the bias corrected images in the series. Now the mean is of the bias corrected images. This may help...
  • Some more messages in fMRI warp to T1
  • Physiology and WHH - background tools
  • Minor changes in fMRI codeÂ