updates 2018-07-23 to 2019-05
updates 2018-07-23 to 2019-05
These release notes refer to the latest CSPM changes, which are uploaded to Google Drive.
- Fix DRIFTER error that would sometimes occur with non-integer TR values.
- Fix file checking tool (only runs where there are errors)
- Fixing bugs with sub-mm resolution in voxel size and smoothing for whole-brain and SUIT.
- Changes to allow for sub-mm resolution in voxel size and smoothing for whole-brain and SUIT.
- Fixed another SUIT fMRI bug - 1st level for RFx (due to recent voxel size option).
- Fixed SUIT fMRI bug (due to recent voxel size option).
- Avoid errors with recent MATLAB releases (2019a, 2018b) in subjects GUI (incorporated mew 'findjobj" file).
- Updated VOI cross section - uses volumes toolbox, reports X/Y/Z mm, includes quantitative extraction
- Possible fix to Set load error (Noemi).
- Updated the VOI cross-sectional area (under CSPM VOI menu)
- Fixed type-change to work for float32 to int16 (and others).
- Reslice will now ask about interpolation
- Supersample of T1 uses sinc 7 interpolation
- Found and fixed the bug introduced a few days earlier.
- Tweak to possible fix an error T1 preprocessing
- DTI: tweak to possible fix an error with calculating mean b0 (Noemi)
- DTI: adjusted for HCP data (b0 are actually b-value = 5, not 0)
- Supersampling: fixed bug with single value for voxel size.
- Supersampling is now set up: define in local settings, and it will create files during T1 preprocessing.
- Fixed FIR bug that would occur with fMRI protocols with two or more repeats.
- Included some code for creating brain pictures from FreeSurfer (needs to be manually turned on, contact Paul).
- Tweaked SUIT preprocessing so that spectra will run.
- SUIT fMRI - connectivity fix, should work (not tested yet).
- Excel files - does not create links to some files that don't exist.
- Fixed MRS voxel mask bug.
- SUIT VBM - fixed saved name; showed up incorrectly in stats GUI (had whole-brain smoothing; actual images not affected, they use the correct SUIT smoothing).
- Allow resting state VOI to have spectra.
- Tweaked resting state
- Added beta of MRS voxel
- Check for Siemens "mini-file" in some T1 series - delete from rawimages.
- Cleaned excess messages for T1 combine (only when > 1 T1's).
- Updated Diffusion toolbox
- New fMRI - still some issues with resting state series
- Multi-modality - works with existing sets (preprocessed before 2018-08)
- FSL-compatible VOI - adjusted to remove spaces from filename, since FSL will give an error.
- Tweaked CSPM GUI
- Working on conn toolbox setup, not ready yet but some files changed.
- Added feature to create correlation map from VOI timetrend (connectivity).
- Fixed bug in VOI timetrend.
- Fine tuning correlations, getting filenames that describe contents; better screen messages.
- VOI timetrend (fMRI menu) now allows for multiple VOI's to be selected (to make Emily happy).
- Fixed bedpost bug with copying files.
- Several bug fixes; still working on VOI GUIs (multi-modality, new fMRI measures).
- Fixed database load bug introduced yesterday (only ocurred with empty groups).
- Multi-modality correlations between measures working
- Added descriptive stats to multi-modality; tidied figure axis labels when have underscore.
- Repaired "View Analyses" on stats GUI
- FSL bedpost now changes permissions when copying locally, so works in lab.
- Tidied project and local settings GUIS
- ...and like wise (from below) in Sets project loading:
- To make Kasia and Noemi happy, they can now filter the studies for the copy/convert step:
- Fixed FSL/bedpost to have DTI files FSL-compatible (no nifti rotations), and brian mask in correct space.
- Bedpost will now by default copy files locally to Linux VM and run from there (in folder /working/fsl/[study]/DTI...). Option to change in settings
- Correlations - now running on VOI; have option to leave open
- Correlations save files
- Have descriptive stats as part of correlations
- Tidied "fMRI" and "ASL" modalities that should not be there for analysis in preprocessing
- Quite a few underlying changes, so there could be the odd error introduced. This is in preparation for later features.
- Updates: Correlations now work - might be some tweaks later, but basic functionality is there. Access either with button or menu:
- Correlations 1st pass working; need to fix rows/columns
- Working on multi-modality, not complete yet
- Correlations not currently working
- GUI tweak for bedpost
- Bedpost tweak - tried parallel processing, does not work
- Basic voi correlations running (Excel file output)
- Added bedpost (FSL probability fiber tracking) in preprocessing options
- VOI multimodality - GUI allows selection of measure, correlations by measure working in beta mode
- Added preprocessing lines
- Altered preprocessing to work with multi-modality
- Some more work on multi-modality
- Display during preprocessing - added lines
- Add link to this page on CSPM GUI
- Fixed DTI run one subject
- Fixed basic stats bug that happened with changing threshold
- Fixed ASL preprocessing bug - may have only occurred with combined fMRI and ASL
- Tidied CSPM GUI
- Added option to delete spm_*.pdf files created by SPM
- Tidied project deletion; added note to project GUI (does not yet do physiology or metrics)
, multiple selections available,