updates 2015-08 August-September
updates 2015-08 August-September
- More to str_format4file adjustments (used in various routines when creating file names); more physiology conversion work
- Correct bug in set creation (Edit/filter), where if studies were loaded from sets, there was an error if a new group was created.
- Fixed FreeSurfer bug whereby it would repeat the preprocessing (it was testing for incorrect files and so would always run the prepreocessing).
- Working on physiology conversion old-new
- Added to str_format4file (used in various routines when creating file names)
- Did more checking for database "Backup" success (called from CSPM GUI) - tidied up the local settings GUIs.
- Added check for database "Backup" (called from CSPM GUI) - checks for empty file (can be incorrect password).
- Minor tweak to local settings (might make test work better)
- Working on physiology conversion old-to-new.
- Fixed bug with conversion of some old (2000) GE DICOM files
- Fixed a display message with FreeSurfer preprocessing (said autorecon2 where should have been autorecon3)
- Tidied code in spectra (no change in functionality)
- Attempted to fix spectra bug that sometimes occurs related to Excel (was trying to add rectangles, but should not do this).
- Tried fix of error in getting subject info (in Excel) for sets when in filter GUI (error only happens in some circumstances)
- Tidied up T1 classification in loading projects (not sets) in "Create set" GUI.
- Added a check before unloading existing set (when click load from project or load from set)
- Added option to set fMRI bounding box (for normalizing, that is the "w" images).
- Fixed bug in multi-modality analysis where running T2 with no VBM would fail (or select the wrong T2 option).
- Fixed bug that would occasionally come up for single-subject groups during subject file creation.
- CSPM menu - changed label to "Create Sets"
- Tidying up physiology in sets. Analysis not done.
2015-08-22 (and 21)
- Added a "deselect all" button to analysis GUI - useful if have lots of modalities, especially VOI; will not deselect T1
- More physiology development; incomplete.
- T2: T2 map calculation - fixed for spm12 changes
- More physiology development (loading WHH, set configuration and filter flags). Incomplete.
- More physiology development (loading WHH, set configuration and filter flags). Incomplete.
- Still working on coreg bug in T2 (only shows up with pre-calculated maps, as in Philips).
- Getting color display and VOI creation working (https://osabrainresearch.atlassian.net/wiki/x/QYDBAQ)
- Continuing to work on physiology.
- Fixed CSPM to work around a MATLAB bug, for RMANOVA creating of timetrends.
- Working on adding physiology to CSPM; tidied up repeated displays of "CON101 done" in some cases when loading projects. Added physiology copy/convert button in project setup.
- Fixed bug in FSL FIRST setup stage.
- Probably fixed T2 bug during coreg2template stage - spm12 issue.
- Fixed fMRI bias correction bug, that option should work now.
- Working on FreeSurfer, may be ok now.
- Fixed a bug in the fMRI smoothing
- Found that there may be a problem with flipping a study and re-running a set analysis - The old unflipped and new flipped might get tangled. Best practice would be to delete the entire set folder, and all preprocess subfolders for that study, if a set has a study that has been flipped since the initial analysis setup.
- FreeSurfer - fixed a couple of mistakes, still have a problem.
- Trying to fix a spectra problem; addressing potential spm12 bug. Added option to check for files when VERBOSE turned on.
- Turn on VERBOSE mode (blue button in CSPM and other GUI's - just click any one; see example below) and run again. This will now give you a display of missing files, and a different error message. if you continue to get the same error (which would mean the files are there but unreadable), there will be a link beforehand to the folders where CSPM s trying to read files. You can check those folders and see if the files open in mricro, for example.
- Can now create a symmetrical image, which could be used to create symmetrical templates. This needs testing. One image is done at a time.
- Trying to fix some FreeSurfer errors, incomplete
- Fixed problem whereby some covariates were not loaded (age, sex)
- Fixed a bug in the set filter option (came after a recent fix)
Added default manufacturer option in local settings. CSPM tries to read the from the raw MRI files (DICOM, PAR/REC), but if there is a problem it looks first for the default set in local settings, and if missing or empty, asks the user.
Fixed a FreeSurfer bug.
Fix spm12 bug for T1 setup (if had more than one T1, the "T1 setup" in the analysis GUI would fail.
Fixed covariates bug: would not correctly add a single covariate value (Subjects GUI => Covariates GUI)
Fixed minor bug where had extra stuff printed to command line when editing/adding subjects from Subjects/Data GUI..
Tip: you can attach files and paste images from the clipboard into the comments section.
, multiple selections available,
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