This function is accessed from the CSPM menu (button top-left). It converts MRI raw data to nifti, and deals with DTI data.
Folder where raw files are located.
Option in case study data comes pre-separated into a parent folder with subfolders for each series
Most common option in 2022+ data
Rename the files with either the patient ID (as in the raw files) or specify the ID.
Old Convert: try with MRIcroGL first, then SPM if it fails. Otherwise SPM is tried first.
Select old or new convert
Use New for DICOM only data that can be converted with MRIcroGL; will get DTI information, but not T2 map echo times
Use old for old data (PAR/REC); this also shifts to MNI space and copies T2 relaxation times
New convert - save output to this folder, creating fodler file structure for copying abck to raw data folder.
More details during conversion
See details on folder structure for more information, and Siemens Prisma-specific details.