The RMANOVA and figure files are saved in temporary folders. There will be a link in the Command Window. If you select differences, it will do RMANOVA for differences between VOI.
Example: anterior-posterior and left-right figures and RMANOVA were calculated with this approach in the insula gyri paper:
Macey PM, Wu P, Kumar R, Ogren JA, Richardson HL, Woo MA, et al. Differential responses of the insular cortex gyri to autonomic challenges. Auton Neurosci. 2012 May 21;168(1-2):72-81. PubMed PMID: 22342370. Epub 2012/02/22. eng.
SAS setup
Install SAS in your system, made sure the license is current ("setinit" file needs updating every year), and in CSPM, Options, Local settings make sure the path to the program file is set.