Versions Compared


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  1. Transfer MRI scans from BMC database to the correct subject folder in the T Drive. Note the Subject's 4 digit code, and study number/ date.

  2. Access CSPM from the SPM12 toolbox drop down menu and Select the DICOM rename/convert option from the top left hand corner
  3. Under the CSPM window follow the steps outlined below:
    1. Trace the Dicom path from the T-Drive and paste it to the "Folder where DICOM files are located" field
    2. Select Subfolders Only: The dicom files from the BMC are categorized by subfolders therefore you must select this option so that the program identifies the images by series
    3. Specify the correct Patient ID: Subject's 4 digit code/followed by their study #/date ex: 32760320160810. This will label each of the converted files with the correct Subject ID.
      1. This is also the same identifier that is written at the top of the Subject Information sheet for every study visit
    4. Select Convert
      1. The conversion process will take about 20-30 minutes to complete.

  4. When the conversion is complete, create a new folder under the Subject's MRI Study folder
    1. Label the new folder: raw
    2. Copy all of the Dicom files into this folder. Exclude the files labeled as Series. The series should appear separately from the raw folder.

  5.  You are now ready to outline the MRI sequences on Matlab. (2016 MRI sequences)

  6. If you are outlining fMRI sequences from 2017, please refer to this list instead