As of 2020, MRIcroGL is a good replacement for MRIcron.
- Download the latest version from Chris Rorden's github site (or just google).
- Unzip the file
- Create an "MRIcroGL" subfolder in your "C:\Program Files" folder (or "C:\Program Files (x86)" if you are running 64-bit Windows)
- Copy the unzipped files into this subfolder
- Right-click over the "mricrogl" executable, "Send to", "Desktop (create shortcut)"
Seeing what's possible
The best way to see what it can do is via the scripting examples. All of these functions can be done through the GUI.
Creating 3D files
In MRIcron, you can export the current image as displayed, including contrast settings, blobs, etc.: "Draw" menu, "Advanced", "Export as RGB". This creates an "*.nii.gz" file, that mricrogl can open. Note that you cannot change the blobs or contrasts of the exported file.