Versions Compared


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The following software is used for CSPM. A star indicates further instructions below the table.







  • )

2014b For

2021a or later

Toolboxes <required>: database; image processing; signal processing; statistics and machine learning; <optional> parallel processing, optimization

Optional (required for some functions): see installation details.


No, but a useful backup conversion tool


NITRC (or google it); the download is a zipped file. Unzip; copy the “mricrogl” folder to “C:\Program Files\”; right-click over “MRIcroGL.exe” and add to taskbar

Worth keeping up to date to ensure compatibility with lastest DICOM files; also there is a fair amount of development, so bug fixes and new features


Semi-obsolete as Chris Rorden wants to only develop MRICroGL; but still a great nifti viewer

Same instructions as MRICroGL


Helpful for CSPM figure printing

Install latest Ghostscript open source software (

Current (depends on "export_fig" MATLAB add-on requirements)


Yes (but usually provided by IT)

  • Uninstall any previous versions; you may want to delete the data (backup the database before), which is in C:\ProgramData\MySQL. The folder is hidden, so type in the address; delete the MySQL folder.

  • Google "mysql community server"; download and run "MySQL Installer"; choose the large file (~270MB in 2014) as this is more reliable than the other. (green star) (see details below)

  • Run the downloaded installer; choose custom installation, and select the 64-bit MySQL Server, the Workbench, and the Connector/J. § (see details below)

  • Choose the default options; write down the password for the "root" account (root is a common term for Administrator account); there is no need to create user accounts.

Latest version; as of writing, we are on version 5.6.

The Workbench is significantly updated as of version 6.1.


No - Used for saving subject information, timetrend files, MRI plots, documentation

Normal installation.

Any version since 2003.


No - used for saving summaries of plots and MRI figures (check reg)

Normal installation (start once, get rid of splash screen)

Any recent version

VMware Player

No - required for Linux programs (FSL, FreeSurfer)

  • Google VMware Player; you will probably land on the VMware downloads page, which has VMware Player right at the botttom (link on right of page). Download- you probably need to register (but it's free).

  • Normal installation - take defaults.

Version 6 and above


No - required for CSPM to run commands in Linux

Google PuTTY, go to the downloads page, choose the Windows installer, install with default options.

Any recent version


No - used for utilities (bruker2nifti for starters)

  • Check you current installation: in MATLAB, type >> pyenv. This will return if installed on the computer, and it will show the version

  • In install or update, go to, download and install the latest version (details)

Depends on python libraries being used


No - used for Repeated Measures ANOVA analysis of fMRI and physiology

Standard installation.

Any version.


No - alternative DICOM converter, may be useful

Not recommended; used to work ~2015

* dcm2nii that comes with mricron may be better

Install under folder C:\Program FIles (x86)\MRIConvert (win32 version)

Google - as of 2020-07




If more than on person uses the computer, the startup file would need to be copied to each user's documents\MATLAB folder, so it may be simpler to place the file in the original, release-specific subfolder. To have MATLAB run the same script for all users:





Copy the provided startup.m file into this folder


When you start MATLAB, it will run the script (startup.m is the script).

(green star) MySQL Download quick link: after clicking "Download," it seems like you have to sign up, but there is a half-hidden like to avoid this:
