Look for MySQL Connector/ODBC /[version/] and uninstall any remain old versions
Delete any Data Sources that use this old driver (see next section)
Create the "sidata64" DSN connection to the "sidata" database
Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)
Check the connection sidata64 is not already setup in User DSN or System DSN
To test an existing ODBC connection, select sidata64 and click "Configure" then Test (see below)
System DSN, "Add..."
Select the MySQL driver, Finish
Enter the "Data Source Name" sidata64, the server name, and the MySQL user and password.
Click "Test" - it should return OK. Then select the "sidata" database (ODBC is only needed for the old SPM8 database, and the Access file for connecting subjects)
The database contains coded subject information, including links to all MRI, physiology and other studies and measurements obtained from subjects. An Access file stored on the study data drive (e.g., W:\Database\ or S:\Database) allows added, viewing and editing through the "subject" form. (See also Using MS Access.])
The actual database is stored on the server (kiwi), and is a MySQL database. There is one database for heart failure (hfdata) and one for everything else (sidata). Connections are made through ODBC.
For some odd reason the default behavior of the TIMESTAMP was only to modify on creation; here's how to change that: curs = exec(conn,'ALTER TABLE event MODIFY modified TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')
Control Panel Tip
Set the view in Control Panel to Small Icons, to make it easier to find things.