HCP Slice Timing

From FAQ: and attached files:

The sSliceArray.asSlice[0] from the Siemens shadow field in the DICOM header corresponds to the lowest transverse slice towards the feet for a transverse acquisition protocol.

Note that slice excitation always starts with slice0 in CMRR multiband C2P sequences.

The most convenient and practical way to determine slice timing is by referencing the timing information for each slice under "MosaicRefAcqTimes" ([ms], ordered corresponding to the slice numbering (section 1)) in vendor private field of the DICOM header. This slice-by-slice timing information is generic(transparent to the multiband factor) for any protocol.


…. BOLD acquisition times extracted from {Subject_ID}/REST1_RL, 2nd DICOM: MosaicRefAcqTimes.txt