Procedures for WHH Student Researchers
Procedures for WHH Student Researchers
We have established a Gmail account and Confluence account to be used by the student researchers(SR):
- Researcher 1
- Gmail account: osabrainresearcher1@gmail.com | pw: ReS3arch
- Confluence account: username: researcher_1 | fullname: OSA_Brainresearcher_1 | pw: ReS3arch
- We may have multiple students use this account and/or establish new accounts for other students. The steps involved include:
- Establish a Gmail account
- Have Lauren allow that Gmail account access to Wanda
- Create a Confluence account
- Give them VIEW permissions to the Study Lab Book Space
- Share the WHH Test Tracking Calendar with the SR (this calendar was created as an additional calendar for the project director gmail account and has already been shared with Researcher 1)
- Go to WHH Test Tracking Calendar and click on the arrow to the right of the calendar; select Share this Calendar; enter the student researcher's assigned study gmail email address; select "see all event details"; select Save at the bottom
- Send an email to the SR (to their school or personal email address) and include:
- Their login credentials for Gmail and Confluence
- A link to Confluence with specific links to:
- WHH Data Analysis How to guide
- Study Lab Book Space
- A link to Wanda
- Instructions for using the WHH Test Tracking Calendar
- Researcher 1
Paul will:
Introduce and explain the OSA research and what data we're collecting
Will provide guidance and direction on research questions
Will provide instruction on accessing data
Jaimi will:
Introduce SR to the WHH test and equipment
- Complete a test with the SR and then show them on Wanda how the data is immediately available to view
- Orient SR to the Study Lab Book
- Orient SR to the WHH Test Tracking Calendar
- Jaimi will:
- Provide subject specifics to SR (i.e., age, sex. subject #, study arm)
- Paul will review the work and output of the SR and provide guidance as needed
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