DICOM conversion - dcm2nii(x)
Helpful info on Chris Rorden’s github page.
Copied from above (in case it gets lost!)
is the predecessor of dcm2niix. It is deprecated for modern images, but does handle image formats that predate DICOM (proprietary Elscint, GE and Siemens formats).
Python dcmstack DICOM to Nifti conversion with meta data preservation.
is written in Matlab. The Matlab language makes this very scriptable.
uses the scriptable Python wrapper utilizes the high performance GDCMCONV executables.
leverages VTK.
is focused on conversion of Siemens data.
converts DICOM images to NRRD and NIfTI formats.
has great support for various vendors.
is part of the popular FreeSurfer package. In my limited experience this tool works well for GE and Siemens data, but fails with Philips 4D datasets.
is a useful general purpose image converter and handles DTI data well. It is an outstanding tool for modern Philips enhanced images.
for Fiji can load DICOM images and export as NIfTI.
is a Swiss Army knife - it computes registration, image processing, statistics and it has a basic image format converter that can convert some DICOM images to NIfTI or NRRD.
uses dcmtk to read DICOM images and convert them to the NIfTI format.
is specifically designed to help 3D Slicer support ultra sound (US) images stored as DICOM.
converts MR spectroscopy to NIFTI.
is one of the most popular tools in the field. It includes DICOM to NIfTI conversion. Being based on Matlab it is easy to script.