Output files
You can press the file button to open the browser window in the path where the data are automatically stored (2nd button from the left in this image):
In this version, the data are named according to the experimenter’s initials and the current date under the path [User] → My Documents → COBI Studio Data:
.nir file: log file
Shows when the baseline started end ended (time in seconds) and when the recording started, as well as recorded time points.
.mrk file: marker file:
Marker file: shows timing of numbered markers during recording; here 1 and 10, which we pressed during the recording:
.oxy file: oxygenation file
The software has already computed the oxygenation for all optodes.
I believe each column corresponds to the respective optode number you selected in the setup of your experiment (see above).
You can import this file into Matlab or Acqknowledge.
.log file: contains the experimental data.