Jupyter notebook

This is where you write and run your scripts, either in R, Python or SQL.

Get helpful information here: https://aousupporthelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050594032-SQL-Optimization

Get started with your dataset using the steps listed here: https://aousupporthelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039585831-Analyzing-your-data-in-Jupyter-Notebooks

You start with the bottom cell and then move upwards.

Each time to you start your notebook, you have to run everything again from the bottom up, otherwise your scripts won’t work.

First, you need to set up your notebook and software packages.

Then, you need to load your data.

And then you can start running your scripts.

You may have to create new variables. For example age is today’s date minus the patients' date of birth.


Here examples in R.

This script loads all data.

Note that for demonstration purposes, these instructions start at the top but the cell numbers to the left indicate that '1' is the first script, which in YOUR notebook will be on the very bottom of the page.