HRV via Kubios Software

Opening Files:

  1. Select and open .acq files (not sure if more than one can be opened at once)

  2. ECG and RR data (can switch to HR data) should appear first

  3. Use range tool on bottom right of data axes to zoom in and out of data set

  4. Scroll bars under data axes adjust the time

  5. Results from selected areas on RR data will appear below (ie: time-domain, frequency-domain, time-varying, etc.)

Interface Example:

3.2 Noise Detection

  • Adjusting Noise Detection

    • Automatic: has built in noise detection levels that can be adjusted as well as turned off

    • Manually:  edit/mark noise segments

3.3 Beat Correction

  • Automatic Correction

  • Threshold Correction


File Format:

  • Acqknowledge files should work in Kubios, however, with all the channels in the full data, opening the full file in Kubios does not function properly

  • Extract and import only the ECG channel into Kubios for better data analysis 

    • This can be done by making a cope of the Acknowledge file and deleting all the other channels ( => Channels=> take the checkmark off all the channels except for ECG)

    • Save as separate file and open in Kubios


Creating Samples:

  • There might be an easier way to get to the sample feature from working, however, using:

    *add sample feature does not show up on the RR graph

    Through adding samples with the “Add” button in the image above does not lead to the sample being analyzed properly


  • Add samples by:

    • Settings => Analysis options => number of samples (should be # of samples you need)

    • Can also edit the default and minimum sample lengths

    • May have to restart Kubios and open project again for setting changes to apply and see the changes

    • Label/color samples

  • Analyze Samples:

    • Sample Analysis Type = “Single Samples”

    • Results should be at the bottom of the scree, may take some time to load

      • If data does not load, create a new sample to just toggle between to refresh the data analysis (create sample by using the add button)

      • Delete this sample before you export data for clarity

    • Toggle between different samples for upper right hand corner of the results tab

    • Not sure about other results, but numbers and graphs should appear for “Frequency-Domain” and “Nonlinear”

Exporting Data:

  • File  => Save Results  => Save file to designated location

    • Should include two PDFs, MatLab Data, and an Excel Spreadsheet with all the data and graphs

    • Should separate all sample data, 

    • PDF and Excel Spreadsheet for HRV is likely most useful to analyze the data

Saving Files:

  • Not sure how to save the files so I don’t have to reset the samples every time