OSA Sydney 2013

OSA Sydney 2013

This study was performed from 2010 to 2013. Controls were studied once, and OSA subjects were studied at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months of CPAP treatment.

Study Data: T:\OSASydney2013

Sequence NameName for CSPMComment
3D SAG ISO SENSET1 1mm31 x 1 x 1 mm
DTI DTi 32 2mm SENSEDTI 32 dir 
Wh BRAIN 200 SENSEfMRI resting whole brain 
DUAL TE 1880 SENSET2PDProbably - Echo time 18 and 80
Q-ASL SENSEASLNot sure if 2nd series is corrected version of first: Looks like two partial brain slabs
1.75mm 200dyn SENSEfMRI resting brain stem 
T1 1.2MM CLEARN/ACould be T1 matching ASL slabs