Chicago Pediatric OSA

This page has instructions and details specific to the 2015 Chicago OSA data.


If the date is not obvious, open a *.PAR file in notepad; you will see the "Examination date/time" near the top (see right).

Raw data

ID 11 onward had PARREC, which were converted using CPM Dicom convert, resulting in a nice format. 

EPI are the fMRI scans. The stroop have 132 volumes, and may be labelled "series-04 (WIP 4_EPI_132_RUN5 SENSE)". There were usually two runs, but check the spreadsheet.

Get the data from the nifti folder (for example, "W:\OSA pediatric data\ID 026\OSA_026_05102014\Parrec\series-04 (WIP 4_EPI_132_RUN5 SENSE)\Nifti")