bvals and becs
bvals and becs
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Note that the bvals file will often be identical for all subjects in a study, so you can just copy the same bvals4tracula.txt for all subejcts.
Find the bvals file (e.g., V:\LinuxShare\subjects4FSL\CON302\DTI_b0corr\bvals) and open it in Excel
- Open Excel
- File => Open (or Ctrl^O)
- Change type to "All Files"
- Select bvals, click Open
- In the Text Import Wizard
- Step 1 choose "Delimited" (click Next)
- Step 2 check "Space" (click Finish)
The values will appear as one row.
Get values in column format
- Select the row of values, and Copy.
- Go to an empty cell (next row down)
- Paste Special,* select Transpose option
* To get to Paste Special, from Home tab in ribbon, click small down-arrow below "Paste", or after pasting, click on Paste options ("Ctr" usually on right).
Create new text file with column-format bvals
- Open Notepad
- Copy the column of bvals (make sure you don't include cells on the top row)
- Paste into Notepad
- Save as bvals4tracula.txt in the same folder as the bvals file
Create bvecs file
Repeat these steps for the bvecs file; the difference is that there are three measure for each volume, so you will be starting with three rows in bvecs, and creating three columns in bvecs4tracula.txt.
, multiple selections available,