Stroop vs. Rest
Goal: Assess blood pressure differences between rest and the Stroop task and whether this difference is different in OSA than healthy controls (HCs).
The Stroop task is a color-word naming task consists of 3 separate parts:
Naming colors of non-word stimuli (rectangles)
Reading color words (congruent)
Naming the color of a word that describes a color but is printed in a different color. This condition is an incongruent set of stimuli and requires inhibition of our automatic mental reading abilities. Therefore, it requires more time (i.e. response time) to name the colors.
Each block had a maximum duration of 270 seconds or 4.5 minutes.
A Stroop effect or score can be computed from the accuracy (number of mistakes) and time to read through the list. Thereby, timing and accuracy of all 3 conditions are considered.
Recording of the exact timing and accuracy of each word, however, is difficult in the laboratory. The instructions are to name the colors as fast as possible without making mistakes. Different people will use different strategies and trade off one vs. the other. They also self-correct a lot when they say the wrong color. In our case, there was a set time for each block. If participants finished the list before the block ended, they could manually discontinue by pressing a button. The block will then be shown as ended in Acqknowledge. However, if the participant took longer than the provided time, they were cut off in the middle of the naming list. We are not interested in the exact cognitive performance (i.e. time and accuracy), but the physiological reactions to this task, as it is cognitively demanding and therefore more “stressful”.
Blood pressure
Respiration as a control to verify the timing of signals 1; i.e. while we don’t have exact timing of the onset of the spoken words, the respiration signal tells us roughly when the person inhaled before speaking.
The cardiac signal makes less sense to investigate, since it’s highly affected by the word speaking.
Analysis steps Acqknowledge
Copy raw data into shared folder → copy to local folder
Separate the Stroop task and save as a separate file (keep about 90 seconds before and after Stroop block wherever possible)
Create focus areas for each task/file:
Color naming
Word reading
Incongruent word-color naming
Run blood pressure signal detection and manually correct markers for each focus area
Export excel spreadsheet with blood pressure data: systolic and diastolic
Run respiration peak detection and manually correct markers
Find cycle inspiration-to-inspiration to get breath-to-breath breathing rate
Find cycle inspiration-to-expiration for inspiration time
Find cycle expiration-to-inspiration for expiration time
Excel calculations
Create excel spreadsheet for each task and subject that contains:
Systolic blood pressure
Diastolic blood pressure
Breathing rate
Inspiration time
Expiration time
Matlab analysis
Import excel spreadsheets into Matlab
Research questions
Does blood pressure differ between rest, congruent and incongruent conditions of the Stroop task?
Do OSA patients respond differently to the Stroop than healthy controls?
Can the differences be explained by the breathing/speaking rate of the Stroop task?
Repeated measures ANOVA:
Within-subject factor: condition
Word reading
Color naming
Rest period
Between-subject factor:
OSA vs. healthy control (HC)
Dependent variables:
Breathing rates
Inspiratory duty cycle (inhale/(inhale+exhale))
Systolic blood pressure
Diastolic blood pressure
Mean blood pressure
Breathing rate per condition X blood pressure per condition
Breathing rate difference (congruent - incongruent) X blood pressure (congruent - incongruent)
Are the differences in correlations between OSA and healthy controls significant?
Shared drive Y: Anika
69 files (01-04-2021)
Start with Biopac Acqknowledge
Reading list
Breathing changes blood pressure
Altered cognitive abilities in OSA